
Anne – Yellow Raspberry– (regeneration – trayplant from in vitro culture)

3,63 $5,65 $



Raspberry Anne ( Yellow) – (Rubus …)

* Fiche détaillée à télécharger

Hardiness zone Canada


Anne raspberry plants are exclusively grown in vitro. They are called regeneration plants, which gives them a superior quality compared with plants propagated traditionally in the field. They are generally healthier, more vigorous and more productive than field-grown bare-root plants. They also have the advantage of adapting more easily to the climatic and soil conditions where they are planted. Trayplants are delivered ready to be planted in the field from May to autumn.


The Anne yellow raspberry is one of the tastiest yellow raspberries on the market. A remontant variety, it produces very sweet, juicy fruit on each cane, one in early summer and a more abundant one at the end of the season. Like most raspberry cultivars, it thrives in full sun. This is a hardy variety with good hardiness and productivity. The fruit is lor, very large and pale yellow in cowith excellent flavor and firmness.


The Anne yellow raspberry is one of the tastiest yellow raspberries on the market. A remontant variety, it produces very sweet, juicy fruit on each cane, one in early summer and a more abundant one at the end of the season. Like most raspberry cultivars, it thrives in full sun. This is a hardy variety with good hardiness and productivity. The fruit is very large and pale yellow in color, with excellent flavor and firmness.


When pruned in autumn, it behaves like a summer variety.






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Product description

Container size

2½", 1 Liter, 1 gallon

Available for purchase from

May, June, August, Dormancy Jan-April 2024, Futur

Product description

Compatible variety :

Rendement : Very good productivity

Harvest size : U-pick

Hauteur :

Largeur :

Bush type :

Description of the fruit : Very large and pale yellow in color,

Fruit Flavor : Excellent flavor and firmness

Fruit Weight :

Fruit Length :

Flowering period :

Harvest time : At the end of the season

Use of the fruit : Excellent for eating fresh, in jams, or making preserves

Hardiness zones : Good

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